Thursday, 27 September 2012

Will Newspaper survive?

Nowadays,many young people would not read newspaper anymore. Newspaper is not the only way to catch up the latest news.There are many other devices that can be used to get more information about things that are happening. Does that mean newspapers are dying?Absolutely not...the world is not just occupied by young people,there are still the older generation. For instance, our parents, they read newspaper every morning. Here is a little sneak peek of my family's lifestyle, in terms of newspaper. My dad reads it in the toilet, and my mum reads it with a cup of coffee beside. Ironically, the thing that they must do every morning is not having breakfast,but reading the newspaper. Reading a newspaper is a habit of those older generation.Without reading Newspaper, they will feel that they are missing something. Our elders prefer to read about current news from the paper than going online.
Besides that, the newspaper is also an advertisement medium.The reason that many advertiser choose the newspaper as an advertisement medium is because they can reach out to the society, regardless of their social status.

Advertisement in newspaper!!

In my opinion, newspapers will still survive in the future!! As reading the newspaper has become part and parcel of many people's daily life.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Life long enough to find the right one!!

This advertisement is about a girl who is looking for true love.She sleep with men, thinking that he will be that prince charming. But sadly, when she offers her heart to him, it was thrashed and she ended up being hurt. It shows us that, we should not simple sleep with people just because we are desperate for love. The "right one" will come along the way. Therefore, it is not encourage to have premarital sex.

                                                        Road Safety Advertisement

Hits at 30mph,80% people alive!!!Slow down your vehicle,you can save lives!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Last week, my lecturer let us play a board game, Taboo. This is the first time I  play Taboo,a  word guessing  game. The purpose of playing this game is to improve our thinking process. The rules are simple, a person has to give creative,carefully-worded clues to help your team mates to guess words quickly. But don’t mention unmentionables words, or you’ll get the buzzer and lose the point! 
Honestly, when I heard that everyone should play,I was shocked.I was quite shy to stand in front and everyone because they was  is looking at me. I was also scared I will blurt out those unmentionables words. Fortunately, everything went smoothly,I didn't get buzzered!I really learnt many things through this board game.
Taboo is a wonderful game than trains your brain to think fast.Play more Taboo,it will improve you thinking process.

Monday, 24 September 2012


Delicatessen, a french movie.It is a visually intricate french comedy.The story is centered on a microcosm of a post-apocalyptic society where food is so rare it's invaluable and is used as currency At a time when food is scarce and cannibalism rampant.  The story focus on an apartment building with a delicatessen on the ground floor. The owner of the eatery also owns the apartment building and he is in need of a new maintenance man since the original "mysteriously" disappeared.An ex-clown turns up seeking work at an ancient tenament in the middle of nowhere. Little does he know that the landlord, a butcher, feeds his tenants, The clown and the butcher's daughter  falll in love . The butcher's daughter tries to convince her father , but her father refuses. Desperate to save her lover, the butcher's daughter seeks help from the Troglodytes, an underground  vegetarian group that tries to rescue people from cannibals.... 

 It is difficult to digest all the content when watching it.I have put a lot of effort trying to understand the movie.The only thing of the whole movie that I interested and catch my attention is the saw song. The very first time that i know a saw can become an instrument. It is quite interesting!

The saw and cello!!

The character that I like in the movie, Delicatesen is Aurore.She is always trying to commit suicide in neat and inventive ways.

Aurore's suicide attempt!!

 I would recommend the film to those that enjoy black humor that is truly warped. Sensitive, easily offended people should avoid the film as you probably won't enjoy its humor. 

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Social Cognitive Theory

Social Cognitive Theory is an idea when people learn through observation and apply it into mass media, especially television programs.This theory argues that people imitate the behavior they see; and modeling happens in two ways,imitation and identification.
I personaly have experience this.Since i was young, i don't go for swimming.Swimming is the scariestthing that I had ever done.I cant understand why my neighbour love to go swimming. Aren't they afraid of the jaws???The thought that disturb me is that the Jaws will eat me when I go swimming. The movie "Jaws" makes me feel  insecurs in the swimming pool. Until now i don't  swim, even when  I go to beach I will just sit on the sand, away from the  water.

Isn't it scary??

Friday, 14 September 2012

Candy Review: Meiji Poifull

I bet many people know Jelly Belly.Jelly Belly have about 50 flavour of jelly beans.But i am not going to write a review on it.I would like to introduce another kind of jelly beans, Poifull!!!

I am a candy lover~especially gummies!!Poifull is a little tiny jelly beans that made by Meiji. Poifull Jelly Beans are unique. The outer coating is quite thin, Poifull Jelly Beans are softer than Jelly Belly,it taste more like a gummies. 

Poifull Jelly Beans have four yummy fruit flavor per box, green apple, peach, lemon and grape.
The quality of jelly beans is very good. The flavors are all intense, somewhat sour

Heart shape jelly bean (lemon)
Heart shape jelly bean (grape)
Each box contain only one heart shape jelly bean.Usually, I consider it as my lucky day when I find the heart shape jelly bean.It make everything run smoothly (it might be my Psychological effect). However, i am happy with that.

Something special about Poifull Jelly Beans that you might do not know is they contain collagen which has been proven beneficial for you skin. Isn't that interesting? without any vitamins and skin care product, our skin will getting better and better just by eating jelly beans!!!

Anyway, I love Poinfull Jelly Beans!!I think these are the best jelly beans after Jelly Belly!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012


When talk about genre,the first think that appear in my mind is Disney Movie!I am big fans of  Disney movie. High 5 if you are too!!!

My favourite genre is animated film! Movies that make me feel better when i'm stressed. Classic stories and characters captured on film and preserved for generations to enjoy is the essence of Disney.

 Animated Films are ones in which individual drawings, paintings, or illustrations are photographed frame by frame. Animation, fairy tales, and stop-motion films often appeal to children, but it would marginalize animations to view them only as "children's entertainment." Animated films are often directed to, or appeal most to children, but easily can be enjoyed by all. See section on children's-family films.

Best Disney animated movies

The Lion King presents the story of a lion cub,Simba's journey to adulthood and acceptance of his royal destiny.

it have meaning about friend, Team work, so the kids can make a Good things by watching this movie.
This is a very hard choice. I loved the Lion King, in fact, I could watch this movie once or twice a month it was very emotional for me.

I love Aladdin. .Hope someday I wish I could have a magic carpet to let me fly all over the world... And a magic lamp with genie inside to grant my wishes.. Watching these movie bring me back to when I was little girl yet I am 18 years old and still watch them all the time.

 the same story line as lion king: father and son- story .Finding nemo have some really funny parts in it. And the cast is really great. This movie is great for kids and some time even adults.

How could this NOT be the best Disney movie?!?Beauty and the Beast teaches us that true beauty is found within.It was the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture, plus it has songs, endearing characters, suspense, romance, and the best Disney Princess.

I really like Mulan and the message it gives. She is probably on e of the greatest role models for girls and women.Mulan showed that being a woman does not mean you're incapable of doing things that society used to consider "men things", such as fighting, making important decisions and speaking one minds up.

I LOVE IT! Its my favorite movie of all times and always will be because it tells the life of a mermaid and the adventures she has while under water.