Thursday, 27 September 2012

Will Newspaper survive?

Nowadays,many young people would not read newspaper anymore. Newspaper is not the only way to catch up the latest news.There are many other devices that can be used to get more information about things that are happening. Does that mean newspapers are dying?Absolutely not...the world is not just occupied by young people,there are still the older generation. For instance, our parents, they read newspaper every morning. Here is a little sneak peek of my family's lifestyle, in terms of newspaper. My dad reads it in the toilet, and my mum reads it with a cup of coffee beside. Ironically, the thing that they must do every morning is not having breakfast,but reading the newspaper. Reading a newspaper is a habit of those older generation.Without reading Newspaper, they will feel that they are missing something. Our elders prefer to read about current news from the paper than going online.
Besides that, the newspaper is also an advertisement medium.The reason that many advertiser choose the newspaper as an advertisement medium is because they can reach out to the society, regardless of their social status.

Advertisement in newspaper!!

In my opinion, newspapers will still survive in the future!! As reading the newspaper has become part and parcel of many people's daily life.

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